لكل من تضامن مع قضية الطفولة | Each of solidarity with the cause of childhood, especially underage girls who are suffering from the worst crime in the history of childhood. My sincere thanks goes to the communities of Yemen and the Yemeni expatriates and human rights activists and journalists inside and outside Yemen. Also I want to send out a huge thank you to the peoples of the Arab Gulf and especially the ancient Saudi people that got together and standee hand in hand by a single issue, pain and sorrow one and also the customs and traditions. Thank you to all of you for standing with me for a childhood issue, especially for the females of the world. For all the children and their wounds it should be up to all the world to find a way to help them and save them by raising awareness and also activate the law and consolidate the values of human hearts which is valuable to their cause. Secondly, we should try to develop and educate our children today to have a tomorrow and a future and a youth conscious of the culture and religion of Islam to have peace and protect our country. Also deepen the spirit of love and affection to live and love between the generations and open new horizons to highlight the image of Yemen civilization to the world.
رسالة شكر الى الجميع | Thanks message to everybody
Nada Alahdal