Saturday, 4 February 2017

رسالة شكر الى والدي | Thanks message to my parents

تمثل اكبر انتهاك بحق الفتيات عالمياً في زواج القاصرات رغم وجود قانون يجرم ذلك،
وهناك الكثير من الفقراء يعرفون حجم الكارثة في زواج الفتيات فيرفضوا زواج
فتياتهم، فالمشكلة هي في التوعية بمخاطر هذه الزيجات وتغيير القناعات لدى أولياء
India is the most country to violate
young girls rights, in India made the highest percentage in child marriage
cases although there is a law that prohibits child marriage, big percentage of
poor people in India who are aware of the danger of child marriage and they refuse
to marry their daughters in early age, that's because they have awareness about
the issues and that's what makes the difference between them and parents who
are not educated.

لنوصل صوت الطفل للعالم وننقذ الفتيات

Help us raise children's voice to the world and save young girls all over
the world from child marriage

مواضيع ذات صلة

رسالة شكر الى والدي | Thanks message to my parents
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